Friday, May 22, 2009

Birth Process (WARNING! SKIN AND BLOOD IN SOME OF THESE!) -May 6, 2009

For the first few hours of labor I was doing well and happier up and moving around, but it was awkward with all of the IVs and fluid leaking out. (4AM till about 1PM)

Once my labor intensified Bacon's heartbeat was dropping, so they had me on oxygen. (1-2PM)

Between pushes. (2-3PM)

He was presenting the side of his head (instead of the top)/ Dr. Bishop, tried to turn him and help him through my pelvis as I pushed, but every time I stopped pushing he would just go back in. We tried for about 40 minutes and nothing was changing, but Bacon's heartbeat dropped numerous times. They brought in forecepts, but couldn't get a safe grip on his head. She suggested a C-section before he was too far in the birth canal or before we needed an emergency C-section if his heart rate dropped and did not recover.
Being brave as they got us ready for the C-section. (about 3PM)

WARNING!!!-Blood in pictures below

Here they are pulling Abraham out of my belly!!

Abraham James Watkinson is born! 3:20 PM

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