Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bacon Week 19 Ultra Sound. He IS a boy! -December 4, 2008

What amazing health care we have here in the US! We are infinitely blessed with medications, educated people and technology. I loved having the ultrasound and seeing our little child in there, moving and kicking! I had a feeling, from the beginning, that we were going to have a boy, and it turns out that we are. Here are the pictures they printed for us of our little BOY!

His profile (head on left, looking up) Here he is following in my footsteps and sucking his thumb!

Bacon waving! The technician said his hand being in an open position was a good developmental sign. I felt proud as if I had something to do with funny.

He was also doing scissor kicks and lounging poses with his hand and arm up behind his head!

Here he is from another angle. His head is now facing down/curled under on the left side. This shows his spinal column/back and his bum and legs on the right side.

Coincidentally, the technician was a parent of one of my former Kindergarten students at Walt Disney Elementary! I was thankful for her skill and the connection in the process. She said that Bacon was one of the most active babies she has seen and that she had a hard time getting some measurements because he wouldn't stay still! She is POSITIVE that he's a boy. She said if she's wrong, we need to let her know. I guess we'll see!

Bacon Week 18 -November 2008

This week we are @ Mom and Norm's in Tacoma. It was the first time I'd seen Jack for a couple of weeks and he said he could really tell a difference in my belly.

Week 18

Wow! I am looking so hot in my socks!

Bacon Week 18 -November 2008

Northwest Trek- While visiting Mom and Norm in WA- November 2008

Bacon Weeks 14-17 -November 2008

Halloween -October 31, 2008

Our spooktacular First grade class!These are pictures of SOME of the kids and I. Hopefully I will have time to add the rest later!

This was actually the day BEFORE Halloween. Tasha and I realized we were dressed almost the same so I went and grabbed my camera. The First Grade teachers are Super heros!

Bacon Week 13 -October 2008

Family Reading Night - October 2008

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bacon, Weeks 10-12 October '08

12 WeeksHere are the 12 Week Ultra Sounds!

Bacon is really moving around a lot! I think it's going to be a boy and the Ultra Sound Technition even asked me if I wanted to find out and if I could guess and when I told her I thought it was a boy, she said it's really too early to tell, but by this picture she'd guess boy as well. Head on right, face up, one knee up on left, other knee facing towards the camera.
Side view, with head on right. Rump, knees, legs and feet on left.

Bacon looking back at us. You can see the eye sockets have moved to the front of "his" head (on right) then his neck, body and his legs are curled up under his rump like he's kneeling.

Noah's Birthday @ Half Moon Bay - October '08

When we went back east for Mike and Katie's wedding, Jack caught up with many old friends. One of them was his friend, Monica, who he found out lived in the Bay Area as well! We decided we should hang out once we got back to the West Coast, and she invited us to join them at Half Moon Bay to celebrate the Birthday of her husband, Noah.

Jack, enjoying the sunshine!Me, after a little wading-the water was VERY CHILLY!
Monica and Noah own a trick kite, very fun! Monica taught Jack how to control it and do flips and spins. In this picture, they're each holding one of the "controllers" or spools of string.

Harder to tell, but their still flying it.

Here's the group! Noah is in black.

Happy Birthday to a great guy!

Bacon, The First Ten Weeks - August and September '08

For the belly pics, I have decided to load them in order - with the oldest ones at the bottom of each post, so if you scroll from bottom, up to the newest ones, they will be in order. Otherwise they would be in order for each entry from top to bottom but not chronological through the blog. Nothing to see here folks!

Week 9

Week 8

Week 7

Week 6

We decided to take pictures each week, so we can watch the amazing transformation of this body I've been gifted with.

Here are the first two, taken August 31st, 2008. Week 5