Our dear Miss Cathy! Abraham loves spending his mornings with her while I work out or go to MOPS! She and Miss Julie (below) were the first child care helpers he stayed with. Lucky Abraham.
We are trying not to swaddle him all the time, but then he pulls his paci out with his hands, so I used my neck wrap (full of sand & herbs) to weigh them down a bit so he could sleep!
I bought a few shiny pinwheels & he OBVIOUSLY LOVES them. VERY stimulating! We have found they really encourage him to hold his head up.
He usually does it over & over again on the changing table, the crazy eyes in these are partly what he does and partly reaction to the light on the camera & flash.
Here is a silly video, including the way he periodically scares himself! Watch his eyes.
He is quickly growing out of many 0-3 month clothes, as evidenced by this photo!
Now he can grab things and hold them accurately and strong enough to bring them to his mouth & keep them there. You can tell this is very stimulating for him. 8-11-09
Laughing at his star, that has dancing lights and plays music. The star is a random toy that was offered to me outside "Once Upon a Child" by a perfect stranger. She had brought a BUNCH of stuff to sell and the very large bag of "rejects" was now mine! A bunch of it could not be properly washed and I donated it, but we got a few gems. This star has brought Abrham countless hours of joy already!
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