Thursday, July 9, 2009

Abraham's 9th Week - July 2-8, 2009

This morning Abraham had his 2 mo vaccinations...It was heartbreaking for me to see him in pain, but I know it is SO worth it. I feared the worst, but was blessed with the best. After the initial screaming and pain @ the office, he was just extra sleepy. Praise God and thank you to all of you who covered him in prayer. God is taking great care of our little man.

You know it couldn't have been that bad, when a few short hours later, he's smiling in his sleep.

That afternoon I caught him talking on his play mat.

Random shot of him & Dad both in green.
His eyes are changing color.
They are still not a recognizable color, but turning much more golden/brown/green near his iris and still a deep grey/blue on the outer edges. Here's a shot so you can join in the fun of the "guess what color they will be" game.

1 comment:

  1. he is so cute! i am guessing his eyes will eventually be hazel or brown!
